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  • ABDOH AccountDateMon Feb 25, 2013 9:48 pm
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: ABDOH Account

    Athene Darling, Whether you believe it or not, I really care less...

    So, feel free to attack all bases & the same is applicable to other players. But at the same time the one who will laugh last will laugh more.

    Also, if you are so brave and have the courage to that point, why you keep on changing your bases names and coordinates as you have done lately specially that you are ranked second!!! This is presuming that the first ranked account does not belong to you as well!!!
    By the way, I am not interested on knowing the answer as it simply called cowardliness no more no less.

    One last thing I would like to confirm; I have been playing this game for more than a year and I do challenge all players & everybody including the game administration team if they can prove that I have lied or traded any of the other players as what many other players have done.
    I trust that you know whom I meant.

    So, before we accuse others of lying, it is better that we see what we have lied & what we have done to other players!!!
    Arabic proverb says "The Thief always thinks that other people are thieves like him".

    Best Regards & Good Luck To All.


  • ABDOH AccountDateSat Feb 23, 2013 10:09 am
    Topic by ABDOH. Forum: إعل&...

    Dear All,

    As I am not in to the game since few months, I heard from close friends that some rumors were spreed that ABDOH Account is one of Luai accounts & that is why some players are attacking the bases without any justifications.

    First of all, I really care less about all attacks as I am more than willing to attack back even the first ranked players with no fear as I know very well my limitations.
    So, please feel free if you want to attack but on the other hand do not blame me if I attack you back very wildly.

    Secondly, I would like to inform all that the ABDOH account only belongs to ABDOH no else owns this account & all rumors are not true and maybe it is done to mislead some other players.

    Best Regards & Good Luck,


  • يا خسارة ما اخدنا ولا DateTue Feb 07, 2012 10:30 am

    Good Luck in our war and bear in mind that it is not over until it is over.

  • يا خسارة ما اخدنا ولا DateTue Feb 07, 2012 10:29 am

    Take A Hike Ex-Friend and read my previous message carefully before bull shitting us with the above crap.

  • يا خسارة ما اخدنا ولا DateTue Feb 07, 2012 10:20 am

    At least I am not a Traitor & I do not stab friends in their back.

  • يا خسارة ما اخدنا ولا DateTue Feb 07, 2012 10:06 am

    The war is not over yet my friend.

    We are used to this type of Cheap Jewish Propagandas. So, Let them enjoy it for some time.
    Indeed they have learned something from their neighbours.

  • لا تعليقDateMon Feb 06, 2012 7:35 pm
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: لا تعليق

    Take A Hike Man!!!

    This will also help your translation skills!!!

  • لا تعليقDateMon Feb 06, 2012 5:46 pm
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: لا تعليق

    Buzz Off man!!!

    Know English before complaining!!!

  • لا تعليقDateMon Feb 06, 2012 3:21 pm
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: لا تعليق

    Take it easy guys. This is only a game & we will see at the end who will laugh.
    To join them !!!!!!!!!! This is beyond your wildest dreams.

    This is a war game guys. So, cowards and fagots has no place right here.

    Good Luck!!!

  • لا تعليقDateMon Feb 06, 2012 12:49 pm
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: لا تعليق

    Enjoy the resources as I knew that you need it. We are still having very very long way to go!!!!

    Once again I say, it is not over until it over.

    So, to all our friends : Let the convoy moves on and the dogs bark!!!!

  • ?? ???? ????? ????DateSun Feb 05, 2012 10:35 am
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: ?? ???? ????? ????

    Very Funny.

    Anyway, Arabs say : Let the convoy moves on and the dogs bark!!!!

    It is not over until it is over!

  • To All Players (Excluding Power Union Players)DateSat Feb 04, 2012 3:17 pm
    Topic by ABDOH. Forum: إعل&...

    Dear All Players (Excluding Power Union Players),

    This to inform all players and all Allies that incase you have been attacked by Power Union Or they are planning to attack you, ABDOH would like to confirm that all his forces & coins will be under your command.

    This game is made for everybody to enjoy & anybody thinks that he is the only boss or the leader, I recommend that he better think again.

    We are not going to get our self in useless arguments as usually happens in the Forum as we only trust and belive in actions. Talk is cheap my friends.

    Last but not the least, I would like to express my apology for the Power Union players, but your leader left us with no other choice except to go the hard way.

    Best Regards and Good Luck to all of you.

  • Weekend Special Promotion - Player CoordinatesDateSun Sep 18, 2011 6:40 am

    Dear Mahmoud16 & Luai,

    Thanks a lot for your emails and everything is O.K.

    The player "Tartar" sent me an unpolite email (Copy Attached) and I want to teach him or her how to respect other players as this game is not for kids - No more No less.

    Maybe also I will make him or her start playing Nintendo (Super Mario) instead of this game.

    The only thing I will need is his bases coordinates and thanks a lot in advance.

    Best Regards.

  • Weekend Special Promotion - Player CoordinatesDateSat Sep 17, 2011 8:52 pm
    Topic by ABDOH. Forum: إعل&...

    Dear All,

    First of all, I hope all of you have enjoyed your weekend & I wish you a wonderful week.

    This is to inform all of you that I am looking for the bases coordinates of a player named "Tartar" and the one who will provid it to me will get 500000 Soliders as a gift - "Free Of Charge - Non Returnable".

    Look forward to hear from you.

    Best Regards.

  • مشكلة القصف الصاروخيDateFri Jul 22, 2011 2:29 pm

    You are most welcome.

    Good luck all.

  • مشكلة القصف الصاروخيDateThu Jul 21, 2011 3:45 pm

    قصف الصواريخ: نجاح قصف الصواريخ متوقف على إجابة سؤال بسيط: هل لدى العدو صواريخ مدافعة ام لا؟ من سوء حظك انك لا تعرف الاجابة الا بعد بداية القصف. حينما يحطم الصاروخ هدفه يتوقف المبنى المصاب من الانتاج امدة ساعة كاملة. اذا قصف مبنى باربعة صواريخ سيتوقف انتاجه لمدة ٤ ساعات. المستودعات المصابة تفقد ١٠٪ من مخزونها قصف سقيفة الطائزات يوقف انتاج الطائرات و قصف الثكنة يوقف انتاج الوحدات العسكرية الخ.نجاح القصف متوقف على عدد صواريخك. كل صاروخ دفاع يدمر صاروخ من صواريخك . اذن زيادة صواريخ الهجوم عن صواريخ الدفاع هو المفتاح لنجاح القصف و من جهة اخرى لا تعلم ابدا كم من الصواريخ ستستهلك قبل ان يخلى العدو من صواريخه المدافعة. اذا قصفت ٥٠ صاروخ و دافع العدو بـ٥ صواريخ سيتبقى لك ٤٥ صاروخ. اذا كان هدف كل الصواريخ مبنى واحد لا يطول مدى وقف هذا المبنى اكثر من ٤ ساعات و تكون قد بذرت ٤١ صاروخ. قصف الصواريخ وسيلة جيدة للهجوم السريع لكنها وسيلة مكلفة ايضاً. انصحك الا تلجأ لها الا ان كان عدوك قوي للغاية و القصف وسيلتك الوحيدة للنجاح.. في اي حالة اخرى انصحك بالتخريب

    Good Luck

  • المستوطنينDateThu Jul 14, 2011 4:09 pm
    Forum post by ABDOH. Topic: المستوطنين

    أدخل الثكنة ومنها بإمكانك عمل القوات الخاصة وقوات الردع ولكن مجموع القوتين لا يتجاوز 150 فرد.
    أي إذا عملت من قوات الردع 150 فرد ، لا يمكنك عمل قوات خاصة ويجب عليك إلغاء / طرد عدد من قوات الردع لعمل من نفس العدد قوات خاصة.
    Best Regards & Goodluck.

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